In 1998 Cydewalk was thought up to be a portal for information. Realizing that trying to be the next Yahoo or Google or world be a giant step. We collectively decided to Market Cydewalk as media, an open source online magazine, which also contains the different projects, we are working on. Cydewalk has been a project on the back burner for quite a few years but not forgotten. The thoughts of what Cydewalk should be has developed and matured over the years and now we are finally ready to put that hard work into action.
We have a small staff, which consists of a web developer, a graphic designer, a writer, and of course me...The CEO of Cydewalk.
Please feel free to write us or send us any ideas that you might have. If you are interested in being a sponsor, or advertising on our site please visit or registration page at your convenience.